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  • 31-Jan-2010
    Class : 3rd


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Affiliation No. 2132526 - School Code.No.70162- Affiliated to C.B.S.E New Delhi - 10+2

 A : GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                                                                   

2         AFFILIATION NO.  2132526
3         SCHOOL CODE  70162
7         SCHOOL e-MAIL ID
 8         U-DISE CODE  09610400408
 9         CONTACT DETAILS (LANDLINE/MOBILE)  (Phone No. -05463-265046)-(Mob.9792503388)

Few word from Administration

LATE Mr. Uday Narayan Singh

The Chairman

Chairman Message

Dear parents and children,

Today there is a great competition in all sectors when parameters of excellence have shifted so high then you never take it lightly, but in the pressure of competition students have lost their concentration and it is not good for their future and their desired goal.Dear parents and children,

At our school a unique approach is follow towards learning by teaching experts who are capable to understand and judge the inherent strength of our students to have a better vision towards their future and come up with their hidden talent. Our focus is to provide the best of quality education that enrich them with a strong foundation in life skills to uphold the traditional Indian value. The true Indian values like honesty, non-violence, sympathy and truthfulness to help them to be a future leader in every aspect of life.

We provide a challenging and stimulating environment so that the children can enjoy all aspects of their learning. The children here are offered multiple opportunities to express themselves through class discussions, school council and clubs related to debate, theatre and environment. Through this our school has always has widespread interest in the sphere of quality education with a commitment to excellence.

We look forward to a safe, healthy, positively, intellectually challenging and enjoyable learning environment so that students can match their steps with this fastest growing technological era.


Mrs Reeta Singh

The Principal

The Principal Message


Anything in life worth having is worth working for” Without exception, all in all, long and yearn for peace, joy and lovely life. No one on earth is otherwise because God has created us so. We have to work for what we are looking for, but sincerely-Work while you have the light, knowledge, energy and health. You are responsible for the talent and gifts are given/entrusted to you. You have the freedom to bury them or discover and multiply them, use them well, positively

There is nothing in the entire world as satisfying as a task well done. There is no reward as pleasing as that which comes with the mastery of a difficult problem. All of us know too well-life is not a bed of roses, and one must work hard to earn the living, peaceful living. We are certain of one thing-we to have only one life to live, to love and be loved, then why should we fan hatred, dislike, prejudice and other evils in society? The best answer is true human education. This Principle is the basis with which we undertake the education here at St. Joseph’s, Lalganj. 



Mr Rakesh Kumar Singh

The  Managing Director

Managing Director Message


India is the largest democracy. The democratic right also includes the right to education. Almost all developed and developing countries have laws to ensure free and compulsory education to all citizen. India society is seen as one of the fastest developing nations. However, "poverty" is a symbol and reality that renders many illiterate. Uttar Pradesh is one of such states where literacy is not very high. Hence, ignorance, poverty, disease and backwardness continue unabated among the less-privileged. It is noticed that over twenty million children in our country do not go to school.

Commercialization of education may at time exclude the spiritual aspect of the human person. Knowledge is power, ignorance may lead to misery. Educate on imparted at St. Joseph's is of quality and of liberating individuals from untruth, evil and selfishness. The environment of education maintained here breaks the boundaries of caste, class. gender, religion and culture-linked prejudices and are engaged in the transformation process to form a new society. Thanks!



Few Words from Parents

  • You have a miracle going on here, and we love being a part of it.

    Says From

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