Director Message
It makes me immensely proud to watch the progress of our students in different arenas. This is only possible because of the holistic education that we impart to our students. From the time of our imception, one of our most significant efforts has been targetted around giving a holistically progressive ambience to our students. This includes providing them with enough resources and learning regarding life skills, besides academic knowledge.
One such important life skill is the finance management. It is important for our students to learn and understand financial literacy as it forms the basis of the kind of life style and future. We aspire them to have financial literacy that helps us while making prominent decision in life. So, the sooner a student learns it, the better it is!
“The number one problem in today’s generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.”
Taking about our college-bound students, it is imperative for them to learn basic budgeting to manage their lives outside home-where their financial decisions are handled by their guardians. Decisions that involve contemplation like buying a vehicle, moving away from home for higher studies, saving money etc, totally depends on how financially literate one is. So, to be better prepared for the future, one needs to understand how to work around a workable budget.
In any major situation in life, a financially literate individual is able to manage financial stability smoothly. For any school-going student, managing their accounts and setting long-term financial goals should be one of the major agendas. In this modern day and age, at DAV family awareness around financial literacy is a must, which includes literacy about financial theft as well as security issues, management of credit and debt cycles, prioritising savings, comprehension of the ins and outs of interest rates and ultimately, the basics of budgeting as a whole.
I hope, with our proactive efforts and involvement, everyone from the DAV family will become financially literate and mature minded citizens of India to cope with all kinds of situations in the days ahead of them.
With good wishes to all !
— Director